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He asks the teacher to write paragraph with their own words about the lesson studied. The students can use their memory or use the passage in the lesson as the model. The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process. Teacher/student interaction became fuller, guessing of context or content, completing fill ins, and doing cloze exercises were the order of the day. The students role in direct method is the active learner. They are active in exploring new words, expression, etc.

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It sounds to me that you are unsure as to what you really want to do with your future. If you were certain that you wanted to be in primary education, then you would be willing to go to University and be excited about it. It also sounds like you don't have all that much knowledge on what goes on at university. I first suggest that you get some research done on what happens during Uni life all the great things you can do like meet new people, learn new things, be involved in extra curricular clubs, go on outings with groups, SOME partying here and there. Check out some blogs from previous uni goers, or search for videos for opinions on uni life in google or youtube. Then, look into the courses that you could take that interest you. Don't just go for something you won't be interested in. If you are really that interested in being a primary teacher, then you must find something that will interest you in the subject. The fact that you feel "torn" is worrying; research all the pros and advantages of studying the course. Maybe the idea of not being around people that you know might be worrying you a little?Since you say you are not really independent?You could always go to a closer uni it's not all about going to the one furthest away. If you feel you would be more comfortable studying closer to home, then do that.

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Color has also been used in different ways. The persistent use of black and grey color comes into play to emphasize the lifeless vicinity of the environment. When Edward ends up moving to town, he is welcomed to the world full of colors meaning a world of life. Burton not only used color to show setting and mood in this movie, he also used color to foretell when something is going to happen. A black dreary color could imply that the phenomenon is evil or involved danger. In the event where Edward is chased away from the town, agony erupted. This implies that his rejection brought a negative scene that changed everything. Therefore dark blush color is applied to symbolize agony. On the other hand, bright colors were used to bring happiness in the scene. These colors are commonly seen in the events where peace and happiness occurred. For instance, when Edward is conformed to the society and everything is working well, white color is used to dictate the environment.

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Columns often put forward a point of view on a subject. For example a debate about something. Controversial tabloid newspaper columnist Katie Hopkins often puts her own point of view across in her columns, perhaps a bit too much. The personality of the writer often shines through in their columns. This allows readers to become familiarised with the style of writing of a particular columnist that they enjoy and they will purchase a magazine/ search online to see their columns. Columnist writers are often biased in their pieces of writing as it is all their own opinion, however they do use facts to backup their opinions. Humour Be challenging for the reader Reinforce a readers opinion Will introduce another dimension Debates And wont be controversial just for the sake of itThe first workshop of Digital Journalism involved going over what we would cover throughout the module. We were given a module guide that stated the workshop schedule which was extremely useful and will help us as a group to be organised!. Assignment 1 40% involves sourcing a story from an online content, re writing a current news piece in the style of our choice. It must include a number of different sources, and other digital elements such as images. Half of Assignment 2 60% is to present our online blog showing each of the weekly tasks.

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