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The subjects in the TheatreSquared study are similar to the more advantaged students in the art museum study. They are older, on average in 9th grade, and many were in drama or AP English classes particularly for Hamlet, since that play is often read for AP English. These students already had a fairly high prior exposure to live theater, so it is possible that the marginal benefit of this one experience on interest in theater consumption is not strong enough to be detectable. Several groups had to cancel their attendance of A Christmas Carol because their schools were closed by snowstorms on the days of the performances. In the results presented above, we have treated school closures caused by weather as random events and reassigned those schools that did not see the play to the control group. An alternative way to handle these missed performances is to leave those students in the treatment group, but to adjust the results for the fact that not all treatment group students actually attended the play as intended.

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